Friday, November 23, 2007

It Works Both Ways

A few days ago, I let the participants in one of the e-groups I'm in know about our pending move. One of the more prolific pontificators of the group responded. He asked me about lessons learned in the decision-making process and how we have been shaped by the rigor of our own transformation.

I had to think for awhile, not realizing it wasn't because I did not know the answer, but because we are smack in the middle of the process itself.

Thanks to his question, I've been able to put up a rear-view mirror enabling me to look back to consider what I have gained to take ahead with me.

I'm sure there are many more insights for me to gain, but the one that is taking a hold of me now is this.

I'm a leader in the context of a team of other leaders. And I have been granted the privilege and responsibility of developing emerging leaders. I made a discovery that has impacted me as a recipient and a provider. It has to do with an area that has challenged me my whole life. It's a thing called "motivation." I didn't really realize that motivation is fueled by two boosters. One if Affirmation; the other is Opportunity. Motivation has no drive or momentum without them.

A leader of leaders certainly needs discernment in developing other leaders, But he/she also needs to make sacrifices and to be a risk-taker so that foundational roots can grasp and take hold of the nourishing soil called stewardship.

As I continue to lead others, I pray that I will be able to let go so that others may grow. So that the reign of God's Kingdom can spread and Body of Christ on earth can organically infect the world that God so loves.

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